Female Age 13 - SE

Duration: 8 weeks (40 sessions)

GAINS: Starting Index 73 increased to 104 = 31 points. 2 Years, 5 Months Working Memory Improvement.

Finished: 14th August 2023

Case notes

Cogmed was recommended as an alternative or boost to medication. Preplanning the training schedule proved to be critical and compliance fell into place after a couple of weeks.


Maths tutor confirmed more attention to maths and recalling information learnt in previous lessons. More able to sit through lessons and engage in being taught maths and other subjects with greater ease. Student reported being consideribly more focused without the meds.

My daughter is far from the perfect teenager! But seeing her when she studies and positive remarks from the maths tutor is a great sign. She does say it has made her less stressed and more in control of things.
— Parent

Female Age 7 - MS


Female Age 10 - KA