Male Age 7 - BS

Duration: 8 weeks (40 sessions)

GAINS: Starting Index 73 increased to 97 = 24 points. 1Y 11.5M Working Memory Improvement.

Finished: 21 August 2022

Case notes

Very shy child. Parents said their son's school was concerned because he was making mistakes in spelling. He would do really well in the test but not retain the spelling a few weeks later.


The student was very self motivated. He wanted to always do his very best. The Cogmed training made him relax more and able to feel more confident with spellings and reading comprehension. His auditory skills visibly improved as he paid more attention when given instructions. Mostly he became a bit more chatty and not feel so shy in group settings.

My son is able to follow more of my instructions, he is more interested in learning new vocabulary which is a first for him. We are very pleased with the outcome of the Cogmed training
— Father of BS

Male Age 13 -DS


Male Age 8 - IC